below are the commands u can execute and also more u can play windsh [windsh] NAME windsh [windsh] - The Tornado Shell ROUTINES agentModeShow( ) - show the agent mode (*) (WindSh) b( ) - set or display breakpoints (WindSh) bd( ) - delete a breakpoint (WindSh) bdall( ) - delete all breakpoints (WindSh) bh( ) - set a hardware breakpoint (WindSh) bootChange( ) - change the boot line (WindSh) browse( ) - send a message to the browser asking it to browse an address (*) (WindSh) c( ) - continue from a breakpoint (WindSh) cd( ) - change the default directory (WindSh) checkStack( ) - print a summary of each task's stack usage (WindSh) classShow( ) - show information about a class of objects (*) (WindSh) cplusCtors( ) - call static constructors (C++) (WindSh) cplusDtors( ) - call static destructors (C++) (WindSh) cplusStratShow( ) - show C++ static constructors calling strategy (*) (WindSh) cplusXtorSet( ) - change C++ static constructor calling strategy (C++) (WindSh) cret( ) - continue until the current subroutine returns (WindSh) d( ) - display memory (WindSh) devs( ) - list all system-known devices (WindSh) h( ) - display or set the size of shell history (WindSh) help( ) - print a synopsis of selected routines (WindSh) hostShow( ) - display the host table (WindSh) i( ) - print a summary of each task's TCB, task by task (WindSh) iStrict( ) - print a summary of all task TCBs, as an atomic snapshot (*) (WindSh) icmpstatShow( ) - display statistics for ICMP (WindSh) ifShow( ) - display the attached network interfaces (WindSh) inetstatShow( ) - display all active connections for Internet protocol sockets (WindSh) intVecShow( ) - display the interrupt vector table (WindSh) iosDevShow( ) - display the list of devices in the system (WindSh) iosDrvShow( ) - display a list of system drivers (WindSh) iosFdShow( ) - display a list of file descriptor names in the system (WindSh) ipstatShow( ) - display IP statistics (WindSh) l( ) - disassemble and display a specified number of instructions (WindSh) ld( ) - load an object module into memory (WindSh) lkAddr( ) - list symbols whose values are near a specified value (WindSh) lkup( ) - list symbols (WindSh) ls( ) - list the contents of a directory (WindSh) m( ) - modify memory (WindSh) memPartShow( ) - show partition blocks and statistics (WindSh) memShow( ) - show system memory partition blocks and statistics (WindSh) moduleIdFigure( ) - figure out module ID, given name or number (*) (WindSh) moduleShow( ) - show the current status for all the loaded modules (WindSh) mqPxShow( ) - show information about a POSIX message queue (*) (WindSh) mRegs( ) - modify registers (WindSh) msgQShow( ) - show information about a message queue (WindSh) period( ) - spawn a task to call a function periodically (WindSh) printErrno( ) - print the definition of a specified error status value (WindSh) printLogo( ) - display the Tornado logo (WindSh) pwd( ) - display the current default directory (WindSh) quit( ) - shut down WindSh (*) (WindSh) reboot( ) - reset network devices and transfer control to boot ROMs (WindSh) repeat( ) - spawn a task to call a function repeatedly (WindSh) routestatShow( ) - display routing statistics (WindSh) s( ) - single-step a task (WindSh) semPxShow( ) - show information about a POSIX semaphore (*) (WindSh) semShow( ) - show information about a semaphore (WindSh) shellHistory( ) - display or set the size of shell history (WindSh) shellPromptSet( ) - change the shell prompt (WindSh) show( ) - display information on a specified object (WindSh) smMemPartShow( ) - show user's shared memory system partition blocks and statistics (*) (WindSh) smMemShow( ) - show the shared memory system partition blocks and statistics (WindSh) so( ) - single-step, but step over a subroutine (WindSh) sp( ) - spawn a task with default parameters (WindSh) sps( ) - spawn a task with default parameters, and leave it suspended (*) (WindSh) sysResume( ) - reset the agent to tasking mode (*) (WindSh) sysStatusShow( ) - show system context status (*) (WindSh) sysSuspend( ) - set the agent to external mode and suspend the system (*) (WindSh) taskCreateHookShow( ) - show the list of task create routines (WindSh) taskDeleteHookShow( ) - show the list of task delete routines (WindSh) taskIdDefault( ) - set the default task ID (WindSh) taskIdFigure( ) - figure out the task ID of a specified task (*) (WindSh) taskRegsShow( ) - display the contents of a task's registers (WindSh) taskShow( ) - display task information from TCBs (WindSh) taskSwitchHookShow( ) - show the list of task switch routines (WindSh) taskWaitShow( ) - show information about the object a task is pended on (*) (WindSh) tcpstatShow( ) - display all statistics for the TCP protocol (WindSh) td( ) - delete a task (WindSh) tftpInfoShow( ) - get TFTP status information (WindSh) ti( ) - display complete information from a task's TCB (WindSh) tr( ) - resume a task (WindSh) ts( ) - suspend a task (WindSh) tt( ) - display a stack trace of a task (WindSh) tw( ) - print info about the object the given task is pending on (*) (WindSh) udpstatShow( ) - display statistics for the UDP protocol (WindSh) unld( ) - unload an object module by specifying a file name or module ID (WindSh) version( ) - print VxWorks version information (WindSh) w( ) - print a summary of each task's pending information, task by task (*) (WindSh) wdShow( ) - show information about a watchdog (WindSh) for more details inside your tornado installation, go to docs->tornado->tools->windsh.html
mysql 데이터베이스 생성 및 사용자 추가
시놀로지 NAS에서 GIT 서버 구축 및 프로젝트 관리
[VmWare] shrink – 디스크 용량 줄이기 (최적화)
Ubuntu – MySQL 서버 삭제 후 재 설치 방법
1. MySQL 서버 정지.
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
2. MySQL 삭제
3. MySQL 데이터 디렉토리 삭제
rm -rfv /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql
4. MySQL 서버 설치
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install mysql-server
시스템 스피커로 비프음 내기 (C++ / C#) 모든 윈도우 32/64비트 버전
윈도우 7 64Bit 이상부터는, 더 이상 시스템의 내장 스피커를 이용하여 비프음을 낼 수 없다고 한다. (윈도우 API에서 더 이상 지원하지 않음)
그러나 아래 링크와 같이 시스템에 직접 접근해서 가능하다.
링크 :
링크 캡쳐 (원문의 링크가 없어져 더이상 보기 어려울 경우를 대비)
C#에서 외부프로그램 실행 및 종료
C#으로 짠 또다른 프로그램(other.exe)을 실행하기위해서
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(“./other.exe”);
public const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112;
public const int SC_CLOSE = 0xF060;
public static extern int FindWindow(
string lpClassName, // class name
string lpWindowName // window name
public static extern int SendMessage(
int hWnd, // handle to destination window
uint Msg, // message
int wParam, // first message parameter
int lParam // second message parameter
1. FindWindows로 창핸들을 찾아온다
int iHandle=Win32.FindWindow(className ,txtWndNm.Text);
2. SendMessage로 클로즈메세지를 보낸다.
int j=Win32.SendMessage(iHandle, Win32.WM_SYSCOMMAND,Win32.SC_CLOSE, 0);
Process.Kill()을 했는데도 안죽은게 이상하긴 하지만 위와 같이 사용하시면 확실히 죽을겁니다.
또한 외부 프로그램에 Message를 던질수도 있습니다.
[C#] 관리자 권한으로 실행하기
using System.Security.Principal; using System.Diagnostics; |
그리고 현재 관리자 권한 상태인지의 여부를 파악하는 함수를 추가합니다.
public static bool IsAdministrator() { WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); if (null != identity) { WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(identity); return principal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator); } return false; } |
Program.cs 파일의 Main 함수의 시작 부분에 다음의 코드를 추가하여 관리자 권한으로 실행되는지를 확인 한다.
if (IsAdministrator() == false) { try { ProcessStartInfo procInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); procInfo.UseShellExecute = true; procInfo.FileName = “IPSwitcher”; procInfo.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; procInfo.Verb = “runas”; Process.Start(procInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(“This Program need to Administrator Authority:” + ex.Message); } return;
윈도우에서 TortoiseSVN 아이콘 오버레이가 표시되지 않는 문제 해결 방법
언젠가 부터 윈도우 탐색기에 아이콘 표시가 나타나지 않는다..
아이콘이 안보이면 무척 불편해서..
수정 방법
